Necessity is the mother of invention- I did this piece in my class last night- trying to get something done for the critique. It helps to have a deadline to get me going..... I waste too much time noodling stuff if I have lots of time to work. Photoshop with an old wacom graphire tablet.
I worked for a few years in the traditional cel animation biz in Minneapolis before making the jump to LA about 13 years ago. I've been out here since, working in the animation biz. I'm currently doing Background design for the Comedy Central Series "Brickleberry" at Bento Box. Recently finished a gig doing background layout on Warner Brothers's new Tom and Jerry show.
Recent work includes background design on Tom Hanks' noir series "Electric City" , FX Animation on a Cisco commercial for Six Point Harness, character and FX animation on MTV's series "Good Vibes".